Sponsor Santa

This year, as with the previous two years Buckingham Table is offering sponsorship deals for each of their Christmas collection rounds.

Any local company, or company with a local office, or any pub within the area Buckingham Table collects within is eligible to sponsor a round for a minimum donation fee of £100. 100% of the donation will then be available to local good causes. 

As a sponsor your business will be recognised as a supporter of local good causes via what is, in Buckingham and surrounding villages, a Christmas institution. People throughout the area look forward to seeing Santa on his Christmas float, and annually Buckingham Table collects and distributes around £10K. Your sponsorship will enhance this figure and provide real benefit to the local community. 

Buckingham Table will ensure that as a sponsor, all communication referencing your sponsored round will include your business name; we will provide a photo of the collection on the night with your signage (where provided) for your own marketing use, and of course, if you would like to attend and collect with us on your sponsored round, you are very welcome to join us. 


  • All sponsors will receive recognition of their sponsorship of each round. All communications (local paper, social network, blogs and Table website will make reference to the fact that the round was sponsored by your company or pub. 
  • Buckingham Table will publish a Roll of Honour on our website (and BWMTY to be pinned at the top of the page subject to editors approval) where EVERY sponsor will be listed as a Buckingham “Santa’s Little Helper’s”.
  • Organisations or groups that sponsor a round will be headlined on the list of “Santa’s Big Helpers” which will be published on the Buckingham Table website and in local publications.
  • Corporate sponsors will be asked to provide signage, and for their round a publicity photo will be taken on the night of the float, collectors with their signage held aloft to use as they see fit for their own publicity.
  • Employees or private sponsors (up to a maximum stated number based on the round) will be permitted to attend the collection night as a volunteers. If insurance allows, an employee can act as Santa up the chimney (providing their own Santa outfit for the purpose). 
  • If a pub sponsors the round, The Buckingham Table will encourage collectors to assemble at the pub either on route or post completion of the round, to enhance the atmosphere and potentially enhance footfall on the night. 

 If you would like to enquire about sponsorship opportunities, or request a round to sponsor, please complete the form below

Enquire about becoming a Santa round sponsor

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