What Do We Do?
We do not hold regular formal meetings, we do not get involved in traditions or ceremonies and we do not require anyone to commit a certain amount of time. What we do is arrange regular social drinks in Buckingham and have social events.
The entire purpose of the group is to bring together local people from the community to share a drink and a laugh.
In addition to the group’s social activities, we also raise money for local causes. However raising money is not the group’s main purpose. What matters most is that we get involved in the local community, put something back and make a difference.
Who Can Join
Existing Buckingham Table members range from age 35-60+ and are drawn from all sorts of occupations, social and ethnic groups and backgrounds. We are a representation of the local community. It’s this diversity that makes the group so valuable. At Buckingham Table, everyone is equal.
How Do I Join
There is no formal joining process. You do not need to be referred by an existing member, nor pay a joining fee. Simply register your interest by signing up to receive the group’s regular emails and/or turn up to one our functions. We guarantee you a warm reception – don’t wait to be asked, just give it a go and come along!
How we do things
We like to keep things simple, avoid silly bureaucracy and have a simply good time.
Where do we meet
We meet on the first Friday of the month at The Buckingham Athletic. Come down and see what its all about
How do you contact us
If you want any more infomation or want to get in touch please feel free to email us
Club Contacts
Club Chairman | Alex Vinall |
Club Treasurer | Peter Hayward |
Club Secretary |Paul Tilley |
Club Website Enq | Rob Cummins |

I am very busy. Does Buckingham Table require significant time commitment?
No. Buckingham Table holds an event every one/two months. It is entirely down to individuals how much to put in. We meet the first Friday of the month at The Buckingham Athletic. Come down and see what its all about.
Buckingham Table raises funds for good causes, but I don’t think I would be happy doing door to door collections.
The main fundraising event for Buckingham Table is the Christmas float which does involve house to house collections. This is once a year and is a great experience and community tradition. As with everything, participation in this is not obligatory. Buckingham Table is about giving time and skills as fundraising, but most importantly, having fun!
Is Buckingham Table simply about meeting in pubs for drinks?
Buckingham Table holds regular events doing a range of activities – take a look at our events section to get an idea. Many of our meetings take place at pubs in Buckingham, and this is in the spirit of meeting new people and joining in with the local community.
Is it expensive to be a member of Buckingham Table?
There is no membership fee, so the only costs are attendance at events and the cost of drinks/meals. As we meet only once a month the costs really depend on how often you attend.
Do you have to be invited by an existing member to join?
Not at all – Buckingham Table is totally open. We encourage anybody who is interested to give it a go. Drop us an email and come along to one of our regular first Friday of the month meetings.
What Happened To The Buckingham Round Table?
The Buckingham Round table no longer exists, but the enthusiasm for raising money for local causes lives on within our group – the Buckingham Table.

Buckingham Table Trust
Buckingham Table Trust is the charity fund raising component of Buckingham Table which consists of 5 Trustees who are also members of the BT.
The objectives of the charity are described more fully in our Terms of Reference, but effectively include raising funds for local good causes and charities within Buckingham and District, including National Charities which have a particular connection to Buckingham.
The Trustees are legally charged with ensuring the Trust meets and operates within Buckingham Tables defined charity objectives.
All applications are assessed for the values underpinning the work against the following criteria:
- Whether it enhances the ability of the individual or the community to achieve self-determination.
- Whether the work can be seen to directly benefit people who are disadvantaged.
- The evidence of the need for the project for which a grant is sought.
- The ability of the applicant organisation to deliver the service.
An important part of the group’s activities is raising funds for local causes. The group receives applications from various organisations. There are no prescribed criteria for applicants, other than being for specific projects for local causes deemed appropriate by the group.
To apply for funding, please complete our Grant Application Form, setting out what your cause is, the amount required and what the funds are to be used for. Please try and give us as much information as possible as this helps when it comes to decision time. Typical grants range from £200-400. Once an application form has been completed please email the form back to buckinghamtable@gmail.com.
Trust Contacts
Trustee |
Trustee Chairman | Andy Collyer |
Trustee | Paul Campbell |
Trustee | Neil Granger |
Trustee | Jeff Woods |
Trustee | Steven Medler |

Xmas Float
Buckingham Table is proud to have St Nicholas amongst its most loyal members! The main charitable fundraising event in our year is the Christmas Float which has been bringing smiles to children and adults in and around Buckingham for a number of years. If you want to be amongst Santa’s helpers this year, why not come along to one of our meetings?
Switching on the Town Xmas Lights
Buckingham Table supports the Town Council at this event, which is attended by our Christmas float and very own Father Christmas.
Bonfire Night
Buckingham Table has supported Buckingham Town Council for a number of years, sponsoring and distributing glow sticks at the annual bonfire night in Bourton Park.
Buckingham 10k Run
Buckingham Table members volunteer as Marshall’s at this event organised by Time Outdoors.com which covers a 10km run through the town, Stowe Gardens and surrounding areas. If you want to avoid taking part, why not come along and help us run the event?
Christmas Parade
Another appointment for our loyal Father Christmas at this very busy time of year!
To apply for funding, please complete our Grant Application Form, setting out what your cause is, the amount required and what the funds are to be used for. Please try and give us as much information as possible as this helps when it comes to decision time. Typical grants range from £200-400. Once an application form has been completed please email the form back to buckinghamtable@gmail.com.

If you think that you might qualify for a grant and would like to apply – please complete and submit a grant application.
Buckingham Table has so far supported the following good causes and charities in the current year (ends April).
Autism Early Support, Becki Lucas donation, Bird Nest Box Project, Buckingham Primary, Buckingham Summer Holidays, Deanshanger Hedgehogs, Buckingham AED Project, Buckingham Athletic, Buckingham PCC, Buckingham Royal Legion, Finmere Cricket Club, FROGS, Gawcott Lunch Club, Great Horwood CofE School, Ukraine Xmas Dinner, Maids Moreton PTA, Maids Moreton School PTA, Moretonville FA, Project Street Life, Roundwood Primary, Salvation Army, The Film Place, The Getaway Foundation, The Swan Community (Buckingham summer club), Town Council – Christmas Present Trail, 1st Buckingham Brownies, South Central Ambulance Charity.
Buckingham Community Panto, 1st Maids Moreton Scouts, Buck Town Cricket Club, Buckingham Athletic Football Club, Buckingham Free Meals, Buckingham Royal Legion, Buckingham Youth Club, Buckimngham Royals Korfball Club, Friends of Roundwood. Smiles for Miles, Salvation Army
FRPGS Grenville, Buckingham Pre-School, Project Street life, Buckingham Scouts, Friends of Finmere School, Tingewick Pre-School, Puzzle Centre Middle Claydon, FRSA Roundwood, Finmere Cricket Club, Buckingham Community Hospital, Buckingham AED Project, Animal Antics, Medical Detection Dogs, Mortonville FC, RSPCA Chiltern Branch, Maids Moreton Scouts, Buck Town Cricket Club
Robyn’s Wheelchair fund, Friends of Options at Wells St, Maids Moreton Conservation, Julie Styles Meningitis, Lace Hill Tots, Buckingham Royal Legion, Autism Mental Health, Buckingham AED project, Oli Hilsden fund, Gawcott & Hillesden Cricket Club, 3rd Buckingham Scouts, Buck Hospital coolers, Buck Rugby U11s, Tingewick FC, Bucks Royals Korfball Club, Heritage Care Grant, Winslow, Buckingham Church (Stain Glass)
Buckingham Primary School (Library), Ted Ambrose – Clic Sargeant, 1st Maid Moreton Scouts (Lighting for field), Medical Detection Dogs
Tingewick 1st Cubs, Friends of Finmere School, Tingewick Pre-School, Buckingham Town Council – Tree planting
Buckingham AED Project, 3rd Buckingham Beavers, Oli Hillesden, Gawcott Cricket Club,
Gawcott Pre-School, Buckingham Rugby Club Under 11’s,
Buckingham Community Hospital, Buckingham Royals Korfball Club, Tingewick Football Club
Friends of Options at Well Street, Robyn Wheelchair Fund, Maids Moreton Conservation Group
Tingewick Pre-School, Westbury Community Café, Clearly Speaking,
Friends of Roundwood School Tingewick, Ladies Circle, Knit & Natter, Clearly Speaking, The Everest Family, Moretonville Juniors Football Team, The Smith Family, Granborough Senior Citizens Group
Moretonville Junior Girls Football Team, Ladies Circle, 1st Maids Moreton Scouts, St James & St John School, Chackmore, Friends of Bourton Meadon, Buckingham Playgroup, Friends of Grenville School, Buckingham School, Moretonville Under 8 Juniors Football Team
Moretonville Junior Girls Football Team, Friends of Grenville School, Buckingham School, Ladies Circle, 1st Maids Moreton Scouts, Friends of Bourton Meadow, The Royal Oak, Tingewick, Myeloma UK
Buckingham Railway Walk, Buckingham Youth Club, Prostate Cancer, Buckingham Canal Society, Granborough Pensioners Group, Buckingham Babes & Tots, Project Street Life, Rotary Swimathon
(including £4,835 donations direct to Brain Tumour Research
via The Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge)
Buckingham Pre-School Playgroup, Swan Community Hub, Project Street Life, Friends of Buckingham Primary, Guide Association of Bucks, Moretonville JFC, Ali’s Dream, Maids Moreton Conservation Group, Maids Moreton pre-school, North Bucks carers, Buckingham & Winslow District Citizens Advice Bureau, Maids Moreton Conservation Group, Twyford Cricket Club, Community Care North Bucks (Hospital Car Service), Brain Tumour Research

The Buckingham Table would like to thank the following for their continued support:
We would like to thank Paragon tool hire for there continued support and for the loan of their generators to help power our Christmas Float.
Every December, Santa makes his visits to Buckingham and the surrounding towns and villages, riding in Buckingham Tables’ Santa float. Clearly, he can only do this if the float has a valid MOT. Buckingham Table would like to thank Simon at SHarperUK for making sure the float is in tip top order.
The Technical Support Department
We are very grateful to TTSD who host our email and provide support. TTSD is dedicated to providing IT support for small business in Buckingham and the surrounding area.
Thank you to the team at Pro-tec for creating us a bespoke cover for our Christmas Float.
BCQ Group
Kindly supply banners and printed materials for the Christmas float.

Meetings & Events
Buckingham Table Meetings
Are on the 1st Friday of each month at
Buckingham Athletic Football Club
Forthcoming & Potential Events for 2023/24:
Aunt Sally
Malverns Hike
Walking Weekend Away
Summer BBQ / Rounders
Brewery Tour
Pub Golf
Santa Van Repairs
Buckingham Bonfire and Fireworks
Christmas Santa Rounds